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Tag Archives: protect wildlife

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week  #RAKWeek – Spread the Kindness

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Logo with animated dog under umbrella that says Random Acts of Kindness Week



The week of February 14-20 is your chance to ramp up the idea of “being kind” as the world celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Week, 2016.  Let’s extend Random Acts of Kindness Week!!!



Created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, the week-long event is a way for all of us to “…step up your acts of kindness, be loud with your generosity, and commit to being a better person throughout the year. We believe kindness is a daily practice, but this is a week to celebrate and inspire others to join you.”



There are soooo many things we can do, and sooo many ways to get involved.  All it takes is a bit of time — and a big heart!



  • Smile at or wave to a stranger
  • Hand a cold drink to a police officer directing traffic
  • Compliment a parent on how well-behaved his/her child is
  • Defend someone who’s being unfairly bashed on the internet
  • Put your phone away when you’re at dinner or having a conversation
  • Compliment an employee to his/her boss
  • Donate that bag of clothing items that you really didn’t want to part with yet…
  • Let a person with just a few items check out in front of you at the store
  • Write a thank you note on paper – the snail mail kind – and send it!
  • Give an unexpected gratuity to an employee who’s gone above and beyond for you
  • Write a nice comment on a random blog
  • Say thank you to a postal carrier
  • Give a tip to a janitor because the cleanliness is appreciated and made your day
  • Buy an extra umbrella and give it to someone in need when it’s raining
  • Do something nice and remain anonymous!
  • Buy lemonade from kids’ lemonade stands – and compliment them (always)
  • Change your phone’s alert ringtone to Temple Bells, and every time the bell chimes, state something for which you are grateful (Jana Sheeder calls these bells, “Gratitude Bells“)



From yesterday:

We were inspecting private yacht charter vessels at the inaugural Superyacht Miami Show, when I noticed our company President, Jana Sheeder, bent over picking something up on the docks.  A few minutes later, I saw her do it again.  I asked her what she was doing, and she proceeded to lay a handful of objects out on the dock for us to see.  It was small items of debris – a used book of matches, some plastic, a metal bolt, and more. “Any of these objects could end up in the water, possibly harming the marine environment or adding to our problems with plastic pollution at sea.  It only took a couple of moments to stop and pick these items up and try to make a difference.

Miscellaneous trash items found on dock of yacht marina laid out on the top of a metal dock box







Suddenly, I found myself looking down as I walked along the dock, hoping I too could “chip in” and do my small part…   Generosity and kindness are contagious, and it feels so good to do random things for others and for our community!



Need a little more motivation to jump feet-first into Random Act of Kindness Week?  Sign the online “Kindness Pledge,” and you’ll be on your way to inspire others to do their part in making a kinder world for everyone.

SIGN the pledge here:




We’d love to hear your suggestions of Random Acts of Kindness. Please leave them in the comments section for others to follow your lead in kind acts!

Have a kinder, generous week everyone…  Thank you for making a difference and for being the change with us!

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Will Synthetic Sponge Revolutionize Ocean Oil Spill Cleanup?

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Wow. Can it be?   The BP Deepwater Horizons oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was five years ago.

Many of us make a living from the sea.  Therefore, the memories of millions of gallons of crude oil spewing into the Gulf is still fresh in our minds.  We are private yacht charter consultants.  Subsequently, we look for every opportunity to promote sustainability. Additionally, we focus on environmental awareness for our clients.



That’s why we were thrilled to read a recent report from a team of researchers at Australia’s Deakin University.  These scientists claim to have found an effective solution to clean up a major oil spill at sea.

Subsequently, they developed a special porous material that can soak up to 33 times its own weight in oil and organic solvents.

3 glass dishes showing steps of oil removal with inserted sponge


About two years ago, the researchers developed a boron nitride powder which they named, “White graphite.” The powder exhibited strong oil-absorption properties.  From there, they developed a sponge containing the boron nitride powder. They broke the powder down into thin nanosheets, consisting of tiny flakes measuring only several nanometers in thickness. The flakes have tiny, microscopic holes that serve to increase the sponge’s surface area per gram to the size of five and a half tennis courts.


“The pores in the nanosheets provide the surface area to absorb oils and organic solvents up to 33 times its own weight.”

So cites Dr. Weiwei Lei, lead researcher for the University’s team.

In addition, the sponge material is said to be flame-resistant.



The Deakin researchers are now looking for industry partners to begin trialing the technology, with the hopes it can be adapted to form ultra-light aerogels and membranes to clean up large-scale ocean oil spills. With any luck at all, the idea of a Florida yacht charter vacation being postponed or cancelled due to a nearby oil spill might become a problem of the past.



Photo of birds flying in orange sunset

Jana Sheeder, President of 1-800 Yacht Charters is thrilled about this.  She says,

“This is good news for charterers, and great news for our coastal wildlife and marine environment!”





What actions do you take in your daily life to improve and protect your hometown’s natural resources?

In conclusion, share your actions and ideas with us below.  We will happily send you a complimentary Eco-tote bag.

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